Featuring fully decorated trees representing Tribal Nations from across Oklahoma
Participating tribes each decorate a tree with handcrafted ornaments and art objects that represents their distinctive and diverse cultures.
Other hand-crafted ornaments and artisan gifts will be available for holiday shopping during open hours Monday through Friday 10AM - 5PM
This six-week holiday event is free and open to the public November 15 through January 3.
Celebrate the 10th Annual Red Earth TreeFest
TreeFest features trees decorated with handmade ornaments representing Oklahoma's diverse Native nations and tribes.
Red Earth celebrates the holiday season with a decidedly Native Twist during the 10th Annual Red Earth TreeFest scheduled November 15th through January 3rd at the Red Earth Art Center in the lobby of the BancFirst Tower.
This popular family Holiday Tradition features trees decorated with handmade ornaments and art objects created by Oklahoma Native Tribes. Ornaments on each tree will showcase the distinctive and diverse cultures of the Native nations and tribes that call Oklahoma home.
Red Earth TreeFest is open free to the public during regular hours 10 am to 5 pm weekdays.
Trees featured this year include:
Caddo (Hasinai) Nation
Central Oklahoma Cherokee Alliance
Cheyenne & Arapaho Tribes
Citizen Potawatomi Nation
Comanche Nation
Delaware Nation
Kaw (Kanza) Nation
Kiowa Tribe
Muscogee Creek Nation
Norman Public Schools Indian Education Tree
Osage Nation Museum
Ponca Nation
Red Earth Docent Tree
Sac & Fox Nation (Sauk)
Wichita and Affiliated Tribes
Women's Tree
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