Youth PowWow & Art Market

9 am - Dancer Registration Opens
10 am - Art Market Opens
11:30 am - Dancer Registration Closes
12 pm - Grand Entry and Tiny Tots Contest
1 pm - Mens Fancy Dance Special Contest
Open to all ages
2 pm - Junior and Teen Contests
5 pm - Award Ceremony
Dance Contests
Tiny Tots - 0-5 years
Jr Boys & Girls - 6-12 years
Teen Boys & Girls - 13-19 years -
Junior Boys & Teen Boys
Junior Girls & Teen Girls
Cash Awards- Pays 3 places in each
category -
Rules & Guidelines
Signature of parent is required.
Must be in full regalia.
Red Earth reserves the right to combine categories.
Registered dancers may only compete in one category.No Giveaways.
Fancy Dance Special
Open to All Ages - Youth, Adult and Senior

The Fancy Dance Special is a new addition to FallFest, offering dancers of all ages the opportunity to compete.
This contest is separate from the youth competition.
Prizes will be awarded for
1st Place: $500
2nd Place: $300
3rd Place: $200
All participants must register on-site between 9:00 AM and 11:30 AM to compete.
We look forward to seeing dancers of all ages showcase their skills in this exciting event!
Co-Hosted by OKCPS Native American Student Services
All Indian Education Programs Invited
Darlington Schools | Edmond Indian Education Program | Putnam City Indian Education Program
Moore Indian Education Program | Mid-Del Indian Education Program | Norman Indian Education Program
Sovereignty School | Shawnee Indian Education Program
Thank You To Our Sponsors For Their Continued Support
Signature Sponsor
Kiowa Casino & Hotel
Allied Arts
Changing Winds Society
The Chickasaw Nation
KFOR News4
Kirkpatrick Family Fund
National Endowment for the Arts
Oklahoma Arts Council
Tinker Federal Credit Union
FT. Sill Apache Tribe
Citizen Potawatomi Nation
Stella Nova
Hideaway Pizza