The plans and progress of the American Indian Cultural Center, currently under construction at the crossroads of I-35 and I-40 in downtown Oklahoma City, is the focus of an event scheduled Friday, Oct. 27 at the Red Earth Museum at Omniplex located at 2100 NE 52nd Street in Oklahoma City. The Oklahoma City Indian Art Club and Red Earth, Inc. are co-hosts of the free event that begins at 6:30 pm.
Shoshana Wasserman, a Native American from the Muskogee (Creek) tribe and a consultant providing services through Architectural Design Group to the Native American Cultural and Educational Authority, will be featured during the evening event.
“The American Indian Cultural Center & Museum will provide an opportunity for the world to gain an appreciation for the complex cultural fabric that makes Oklahoma so unique,” said Wasserman. “Native cultures are a fundamental part of Oklahoma’s history. There is no other state in the US that can tell this story.”
When the multi-million dollar project is completed it will be an institution dedicated to telling Oklahoma’s story in relation to the presence of Oklahoma tribes, past and present. The American Indian Cultural Center will be a “living cultural space” featuring modern-day expressions of 39 Tribal Nations. The cultural center will include a landscaped park and trail system, house commercially-operated business enterprises that complement the mission of the cultural center and is expected to attract large numbers of visitors to the site.
Red Earth, Inc. promotes the rich traditions of American Indian arts and cultures through education, a premier festival, a museum and fine art markets. The Red Earth Museum is open every day inside Omniplex at 2100 NE 52nd Street in Oklahoma City. For more information about the Oklahoma City Indian Art Club meeting at the Red Earth Museum call (405) 427-5228.
Progress of American Indian Culture Center Focus of OKC Indian Art Club Meeting at Red Earth Museum