Since its inception in 1987, Red Earth, Inc has annually recognized an outstanding Native American master visual artists as the Red Earth Honored One. Thirty-eight artists have been named Red Earth Honored One, recognized as an individual whose support of Native American art has been substantial throughout their lifetime. The prestigious recognition is a way to acknowledge the recipients influence on the Native American artistic community.
Red Earth, Inc is accepting applications through January 6, 2020 for the 2020 Red Earth Honored One. Selection criteria is historically based on the following: Native American master artist whose support of Native art has been substantial throughout their life; influence on Native American artistic community as a whole; a continuing involvement, activity and participation in their art form; and those artists and artisans who embrace and embody the collective wisdom of their cultural experience.
The list of previous recipients includes some of America’s most celebrated artists including Archie Blackowl, Woody Crumbo, Mildred Cleghorn, Doc Tate Nevequaya, Lloyd Kiva New, Enoch Kelly Haney, Benjamin Harjo Jr., Vanessa Paukeigope Jennings, Harvey Pratt, Mike Larsen, Marlene Riding in Mahmeah, Jereldine Redcorn, Merlin Little Thunder, and the 2019 recipient Clancy Gray.
Nominations are being accepted on the Red Earth website through January 6, 2020 at
Red Earth, Inc. is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization with a mission to promote the rich traditions of American Indian arts and cultures through education, a premier festival, a museum and fine art markets. The organization is an Allied Arts member agency and AdventureRoad Travel Partner. It is funded in part by the Chickasaw Nation, Choctaw Nation, Oklahoma Arts Council, National Endowment for the Arts, James H & Madalynne Norick Foundation and Oklahoma City Convention & Visitors Bureau.
Red Earth, Inc. produces the annual Red Earth Festival, and is recognized as the region’s premier organization for advancing the understanding and continuation of Native American traditional and contemporary culture and arts.
The Red Earth Art Center hosts a diverse and changing schedule of art and historical exhibitions at locations throughout Oklahoma until its new home opens in the BancFirst Tower in 2021. The organization is custodian to a permanent collection of more than 1,000 items of fine art, pottery, basketry, textiles and beadwork.